Become a Senator!
Below, you can find information on how to become a GSO Senator!
How to join the Senate:
New candidates can be certified as Senators in one of two ways:
Hold an election in your department through a meeting or by ballot.
Petition to be a senator by collecting signatures of at least 30% of the students in your department or 50 students from your department, whichever is less.
Senators must inform the Secretary if they will run for reelection before the last day of classes of the spring semester. However, Senators need to be certified again in the fall semester by following any of the procedures above, or by demonstrating informed consent of the constituency through a department wide notification of their reelection.
In all cases, the petition for certification of senators must be submitted through the official form provided by the GSO, and validated by at least one of the department authorities indicated in the form.
Details of these procedures can be found here (Article V, Section 4).
The Petition Form for new Senators can be found here.
If you are interested in becoming a senator you need to submit the relevant paperwork at least 3 business days before the Senate meeting you wish to attend as a Senator. For example, if a meeting is on Tuesday, you need to submit the application to the GSO Secretary by the Thursday before.
If you have submitted the forms to become a senator and you do not see your name listed as a senator, please contact the Secretary ( for further instructions.