Clubs and Organizations
Looking to meet other graduate students with similar interests? Stony Brook University has several graduate student clubs and organizations. Get involved with one today!
Get GSO Funding
Student clubs and organizations recognized by the Office of Student Activities and GSO are eligible for Student Clubs and Organizations Funds. To be considered a GSO recognized club and/or organization, 50% of the membership, as well as, 50% of the executive council must be graduate students. Apartment Resident Associations are not eligible for student club funding. Clubs formed at Stony Brook satellite campuses are entitled to full club funding. Members of a club that exists at two or more campuses may only count towards the total membership of one club. Requests for funding provided in this category are reviewed by the Treasurer or designee after receipt of a properly completed Student Clubs and Organizations Funding Request Proposal that consists of:
A completed Clubs and Organizations Funding Request Form. Clubs and Organizations are required to submit a proposal for the total amount prior to use in order to reserve funds.
A signed memo from the association’s president to the GSO that includes a brief description including the purpose of the club/organization, a statement of its benefits to the graduate student community, a list of officers and their contact information.
Signatures of 50 students or 30% of club membership, whichever is less, is required for initial funding request. Subsequent requests can be approved with the signatures of the executive board of the club.
A current club roster.
The club’s constitution with a meaningful equal opportunity clause.
The form should list the personal information of the graduate student designee from the club/organization to oversee the distribution and expenditures of the funds.
Recognition by the GSO also requires regularly conducting meetings and/or events advertised through the GSO list serve and in various other media every semester. All meetings and events must be publicized through the GSO list serve/website at least three business days in advance unless guided by a separate Memorandum of Understanding. The amount of funding a club is eligible to receive is defined in the Annual Operating Budget.